Articles avec #michelle bolduc 2015 tag

Publié le 16 Janvier 2015




Michelle Bolduc (deuxième, debout à droite) , professeure et traductrice de l'université de Milwaukee, aux États-Unis, a rencontré les élèves de première L du lycée de l'Élorn.
        Les élèves de première L du lycée de l'Élorn ont profité de la visite d'une invitée de marque, en ce début de semaine. De passage dans le Finistère, Michelle Bolduc, professeure et traductrice de l'université de Milwaukee, aux États-Unis, a effectué une halte instructive à Landerneau. L'érudit a, notamment, partagé avec les jeunes sa passion pour la littérature française du XIIIe siècle. Comme cette descendante d'une famille originaire d'Oudon (entre Nantes et Angers) qui a émigré vers le Nouveau Monde, au XVIIe siècle, pratique couramment le français (y compris l'ancien français, le moyen français, l'italien, le latin et le joual que parlaient ses aïeux) le courant est d'autant mieux passé. Il a été question de la Tour de Babel comme mythe à l'origine de la multiplicité des langues et donc de la traduction. L'échange avait été préparé par un travail sur l'utopie, en cours de français et d'anglais : les élèves ont lu et présenté des oeuvres, de Thomas More à « Hunger games ». La séance s'est terminée par un exercice de traduction ludique de la première page de l'édition de 1516 d'« Utopia » : « Thomas More ne s'est pas contenté d'inventer un monde, il a imaginé une nouvelle langue dont il donne l'alphabet au début de son oeuvre ». Cette rencontre aura permis aux lycéens d'établir un premier contact avec l'université et peut-être même de susciter des vocations dans le domaine de la traduction.

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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2015


Publié le 15 Janvier 2015

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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2015


Publié le 15 Janvier 2015

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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2015


Publié le 15 Janvier 2015

Safia - Laura

Utopiens et Bocciens sont pour la liberté politique.

Pour eux, la forme physique et la sagesse sont très importantes.

Ensuite, la gymnastique permet la réflexion sur la pensée.

Évidemment, la fonction du travail n'est pas que d'apprendre mais de comprendre.


What we learnt :

On that day, we learnt that translating different languages is very difficult. In fact, Mrs Bolduc, a university professor in Wisconsin (USA) said that she travelled in the Oregon, and Arizona (Phoenix) where she studied and worked. She learnt new languages. In fact, English is not the main language in every states, so she has learnt Spanish in Oregon, for example. She has travelled a lot and she has learnt a lot of different languages like Spanish, German (a little bit), French, Italian. But, she can also understand dead languages like Old French, Middle French, Old English, ...

She talked about the Tower of Babel and said that Pieter Bruegel the Elder and Sir Thomas More (Utopia) were interested in that myth. In 2008, Jacob Gautel rebuilt the Tower with books, in Strasbourg (France).

Mrs Bolduc is also a translator so she travels a lot to meet authors.

We translated a text an extract from Utopia by Sir Thomas More who created a language which is almost impossible to translate. But when we tried to translate it, we liked that because it was funny and interesting. A lot of authors wrote novels about a Utopian world, but also about dystopia.

To conclude, we think that Mrs Bolduc's job must be hard because we can not always know what the author wanted to communicate.

Safia and Laura

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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2015


Publié le 15 Janvier 2015

Maryne - Sophie

A Utopie règnent liberté et harmonie.

De sagesse font preuve les gens ici.

Entretenez votre corps et votre esprit.

Ce que peut produire la pensée est inouï.



We have learnt that many different dialects exist in the United States, they come from the ancestors who were native from different places in the world. The fact that several languages exist in the world is explained by the mythological story of the Tower of Babel. People only had one language and understood each other so they decided to build a huge tower together to reach the sky, but God who disapproved of this idea, decided to destroy this tower, separate people and disperse them all around the world. Since there were different languages, they did not understand each other and could not build a tower anymore.



Maryne and Sophie

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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2015


Publié le 15 Janvier 2015

En Utopie, peu importe la langue, tout le monde en parle plusieurs.

Ici, tout le monde pratique la gymnastique intellectuelle.

Mais la gymnastique corporelle est aussi un exercice essentiel.

On voit évoluer les branches d'un fleuve paisible qui étanche la soif.


During the meeting with Mrs Bolduc who is a translator, we have learnt that lots of authors have always been fascinated by the Tower of Babel. In fact, a myth from the Bible tells how languages appeared. All men lived in Mesopotamia and built a huge tower together. God considered this act as a challenge and condemned them to live throughout the world before destroying Babel. Since that day, men have not spoken the same language anymore. The goal of a translator is to make everyone's thought understand. Then Mrs Bolduc told us about her job and about the countries she went to. We have learnt she is specialized in the French language spoken in the XIIIth century, that's why she came to France. We have translated an extract from Utopia by Sir Thomas More.

The meeting with Mrs Bolduc was really interesting, she was so clever and nice. We have learnt more about Sir Thomas More and the Tower of Babel. She speaks 4 languages and 6 dead languages. She talked to us about the American life, so now we would like to go there !!!


Salomé and Anna

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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2015


Publié le 15 Janvier 2015

Gwenn - Gwenaëlle

L'utopie est la bouche par laquelle s'exprime la perfection. C'est dans ce lieu que s'exerce la sagesse. L'étude des langues y est un sage exercice. C'est par la volonté, le travail et le jeu que vient la connaissance.


We learnt that the idea of utopia is very old, actually it comes from the Bible. It was the myth of the Tower of Babel which was the first utopia. In this myth, everyone speaks with the same language and it is utopian. For Sir Thomas More, the author of Utopia, the languages were very important so he created a language for his book. Mrs. Bolduc told us a bit of the history of languages through her personal life. We learnt the existence of different dialects for every countries. For example the “Joual” which is a Quebec dialect. We learnt that to be a translator, we need to know the culture of the country where the other language is spoken.




It was very interesting, we learnt a lot of things. Moreover, the professor was very nice and her job is very interesting. Then, it was good to meet someone living in the USA who is interested in France, in our culture and language. It was cool to see landscapes from the United States, in the slideshow, which were very beautiful. Finally, we appreciated to deal with Utopia and the Tower of Babel.


Gwenn and Gwenaëlle


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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2015


Publié le 15 Janvier 2015

Utopiens et Bocciens sont pour la liberté politique. Pour eux, la forme physique et la sagesse sont très importantes. Ensuite, la gymnastique permet la réflexion sur la pensée. Évidemment, la fonction du travail n'est pas que d'apprendre mais aussi de comprendre.


Now, we know more about Utopia and Pieter Bruegel the Elder who painted an imaginary world. We watched an extract from the movie La Tour de Babel. This Tower was at the origin of the different languages. The destruction of the Tower was a dystopia. Jacob Gautel who is an artist has piled up books to re-create the Tower of Babel.


We enjoyed the meeting with Mrs Bolduc. We know more about her job as a translator and about Utopia. The translation of the extract from Utopia was very interesting.

Kelly and Pauline


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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2015


Publié le 15 Janvier 2015

Melinda - Louise

L'Utopie c'est l'apprentissage de plusieurs langues

Babel a séparé le peuple en plusieurs langues

Les personnes devront construire différentes cultures/sociétés

Voilà la raison pour laquelle différents peuples parlent différentes langues

What we learnt:

Mrs Bolduc came to tell us about Utopia and her life. She began to have interests in another languages when she heard her grandparents speak a foreign language as a kid. She traveled across the U.S for her studies, like Wisconsin, Arizona, Oregon and France etc... She speaks a lot of languages, like old French, Old French, German, Italian, Old English, English, Latin...

What we think:

It was very interesting to learn about her job and what she does; she travels and she translates poems and other books. The study of Utopia was interesting as well, we talked about Thomas More and Peter Bruegel and the idea of Utopia and Dystopia.

It is nice to know that people living in the USA ( for example) are interested in our French language.

Louise and Mélinda

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Publié dans #Michelle Bolduc 2015


Publié le 15 Janvier 2015

Agathe - Marine

L'Utopie est une bouche qui renferme un lieu charmant

Pour les Utopiens, ce monde inspire la sagesse et la liberté

Leur physique de pharaon les protège de tous les dangers

Aucun drame ne peut atteindre ce monde idéal


We have learnt that for Pieter Bruegel, the Tower of Babel is a dystopia because the monarchy is present and people are not on an equal footing. Then, Thomas More's Utopia is a linguistic utopia and he has created a utopian language. Moreover, the Tower of Babel is a story told in the Book of Genesis from the Tanakh(→ The Hebrew Bible) meant to explain the origin of different languages. There is only one language in Thomas More's Utopia. Everyone on earth speaks the same language.

We have liked the time spent with Michelle Bolduc because it was very interesting. She has told us about her story and we are impressed by the number of miles that she has made for her studies. She is a French teacher in the United States. Subsequently, she became a translator for famous French authors, she speaks so many languages as Latin, German, Spanish... We have learnt so much about Utopia too. During the activity, we translated a text by Thomas More, from Utopian to French. It was great because we made our imagination work.


Agathe and Marine

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